Keväällä alkaa yhteistyökoulussamme Fontyksessa haku jatko-opintoihin. Olette saaneet syksyn ajan lukea Eximian kautta ulkomaille opiskelemaan lähteneen Katharinan omia fiiliksiä opinnoista, ja nyt Katharina kokosi luettavaksi myös muiden opiskelijoiden kokemuksia omista opinnoistaan.
Fontys Venlossa voi opiskella kolmea ainetta englanniksi. Ensimmäisenä saamme lukea Renén ajatuksia opiskelusta ulkomailla – hänen alansa on suosittu International Marketing.
What is your favorite thing about your studies?
Most definitely the practical approach and the opportunity to (technically) go to three different countries during the studies.
Have you learned what you expected to learn in the past 3,5 years?
I learned so many incredible things that I never even thought about learning in the first place. This is mainly due to the contact with international people, my internship experience and my semester abroad in Latin America.
Why did you choose to study abroad?
I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to study with an international outlook, as this is almost inevitable with today’s globalization. On top of that, I wanted to study in English to get to a C1/C2 level but unfortunately there are not many English offers in Germany.
Has going abroad been a good choice?
Most definitely, yes! I never thought I would leave my hometown, let alone study in another country, but if I could do it again, I would go even further away!
What is your number one advice for someone who is thinking to study abroad?
DO IT! Even if you end up going back to your home country right after. You will learn so many things that you never dreamed of learning, it will shape you and the way you act and think on so many levels. I notice this most when talking to my friends that just stayed in the same place their whole lives, and I am sad that they missed out on this experience. Plus – one of the best things of knowing people all over the world: you always have a home and the ultimate tour guide when you travel.