Keväällä alkaa yhteistyökoulussamme Fontyksessa haku jatko-opintoihin. Olette saaneet syksyn ajan lukea Eximian kautta ulkomaille opiskelemaan lähteneen Katharinan omia fiiliksiä opinnoista, ja nyt Katharina kokosi luettavaksi myös muiden opiskelijoiden kokemuksia omista opinnoistaan.
Fontys Venlossa voi opiskella kolmea ainetta englanniksi. Edellisessä postauksessa kerrottiin Renén ajatuksista International Marketing-opintosuunnalta. Nyt vuorossa on Matěj, jonka pääaine on International Business. Matěj on fiksu ja tunnollinen opiskelija, joten ei ole ihme, että hänellä on jo urakin hyvässä nousussa. Matěj rakastaa kahvia, joten töiden välistä hänet voi aina varastaa kahvitauolle.
What is your favorite thing about your study?
Because International Business is more general, it gives me space to specialize on the field of business I would like to further pursue in my career.
What makes it different from other Fontys Venlo studies?
It is much more complex. It gives overview on more fields than just one, so you can have an idea about what you would like to further pursue and specialize on that later.
Have you learned what you expected to learn in the past 3,5 years?
Yes. I did not have many expectations, so I definitely learned things. I also got a nice internship.
Why did you choose to study abroad?
To gain international experience and become more independent. That really happens when you move abroad.
Has going abroad been a good choice?
Yes! I am happy with the experience. It even opened me to think about moving to new countries after leaving Venlo.
What is your number one advice for someone who is thinking to study abroad?
GO FOR IT! Studying abroad forces you to be more independent, being able to react to situation and overall it makes you ”stronger”. It´s a unique experience that gives you a head start in your life.