Keväällä alkaa yhteistyökoulussamme Fontyksessa haku jatko-opintoihin. Olette saaneet syksyn ajan lukea Eximian kautta ulkomaille opiskelemaan lähteneen Katharinan omia fiiliksiä opinnoista, ja nyt Katharina kokosi luettavaksi myös muiden opiskelijoiden kokemuksia omista opinnoistaan.

Fontys Venlossa voi opiskella kolmea ainetta englanniksi. Edellisessä postauksessa kerrottiin Matěj:sta, ja hänen opinnoistaan. Nyt vuorossa on Charlotta. Hänen pääaineensa on International Finance & Control, jota koululla opiskelijoiden keskuudessa pidetään ”fiksujen aineena”. Charlotan löytää yleensä soittamalla, sillä hän rakastaa matkustamista ja toteuttaa tätä intohimoaan aina kun mahdollista.

What is your favorite thing about your study?

Most of the courses I’m taking are challenging enough and most of the lecturers are inspiring and show interest in my studies.

What makes it different from other Fontys Venlo studies?

In my experience and what I have heard from other students from other studies, IFC lecturers are more involved and more enthusiastic regarding the students and their studies. And the IFC curriculum is more developed and has a higher level of teaching and learning.

Have you learned what you expected to learn in the past 3,5 years?

Ooverall, I have learned even more than expected.

Why did you choose to study abroad?

I have always wanted to live and study abroad to gain more experience and grow as a person. In addition, I think studying abroad contributes a lot for your future both personally and in your business life.

Has going abroad been a good choice?

Yes, I have been happy with my choice.

What is your number one advice for someone who is thinking to study abroad?

Be open minded!