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Personal Data Act (523/99) 10 § and the entry into force of the EU Data Protection Regulation 25.5.2018

1. Registrar and processor of personal data

Valmennustiimi Eximia Oy
Ilmalankatu 2 C, 00240 Helsinki
(09) 2727 130
info@eximia.fi, http://www.eximia.fi

2. Name of the register

Customer and contact register

3. Purpose of the register

The register is used at various events organized by Eximia to inform customers who have shown interest and have left their personal information about training and coaching services, to store order information, to provide information related to the provision of training services and to monitor the customer’s payment status. The register stores, as in the past, customers who have given their consent and are in a contractual relationship. There is a separate register for employees and service providers. Jobseekers again have their own separate register where information is kept for 5 years. Notwithstanding any other legislation on business, we retain customer information for 6 years and information for those who have given their consent for 8 years.

4. Information content of the register

The register shall record of those who have given their consent:
– customer’s name and contact information (phone, e-mail)
– fields of study in which he is interested or in which he has previously been successful
– dates for brochures and other marketing broadcasts
– free feedback / delisting from the customer

Contractual operators are stored in an another register:
– customer’s name and contact information (telephone, e-mail, address, social secyrity number)
– previous workplace, what status the person had
– fields of study in which he is interested or in which he has previously been successful
– dates for brochures and other marketing broadcasts
– free feedback / delisting from the customer

5. Information sources

Customer information is compiled from information voluntarily provided by customers as follows:
– customer events where participants order brochures
– order information by telephone and via the Internet
– purchased databases, in which case the seller is responsible for the authorization granted

When collecting address information, the customer is informed that the information will only be used for Eximia’s own information activities. The customer may also block email and text message contacts by not providing this information.

6. Data retention

Information is retained for 5 years with recruitment documents, customer information for 6 years and with consent for 8 years. Other factors, such as accounting legislation, has an impact on retention periods.

7. Disclosure of information

The register data will not be passed on to third parties and will only be used for Eximia’s own information activities. For non-EU actors, such as e-service providers, information is required to be kept confidential and the principles of EU-approved data protection regulations are adopted or a separate agreement (accounting and payroll) is required.

8. Registry security

The registry data is only stored in an electronic database, which is accessible only to employees with Eximia access rights. The registers are in separate places.

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